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Thread: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

  1. #91
    Chief Inspiring Officer Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3
    Platform: PS2
    Current play through: first
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Naruto is level 12
    Current location: I guess I'm in Konoha village.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Very well, I think.
    Current objective: beating the pants off Tenten at shuriken throwing. This is nothing compared to the 'Jak 2' training.
    Next objective: I'll take on more missions!
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Cool, but I'm so used to Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 that my fingers keep messing up.
    Total game overs?: 2 (Hey, my brothers stole the good controller, alright?)
    Favorite event so far: When Naruto got to be Hokage.
    Favorite character and why: Shino. Very mysterious character, a tad fashion challenged, but I like his pose.
    Comments: I was going to make more money to purchase cards with, but now I remember I need items to use cooler Jutsu...
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  2. #92
    The Mad God Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: The Elder Scrolls V: SKyrim
    Platform: 360
    Current play through: 1
    Current game completion (if known): No clue, these games are always ****ing enormous. So far I've only completed the Dark Brotherhood questline completely, everything else is still a work in progress.
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 75 (Oghma Infinium glitch ftw, I was level 23 this morning XD)
    Current location: My Whiterun house
    Current in game clock time: Dunno.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Mainly gettin equipment, doing Daedric quests especially, working on smithing (maxed today thanks to the Oghma Infinium glitch, rockin full dragonscale (legendary) armor now)
    Current objective: Rape EVERYTHING.
    Next objective: DO IT AGAIN.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: This game is ****in awesome, I love the region, the Nordic mythology and lifestyle, the gameplay changes, I have absoutely no complaints.
    Total game overs?: A ****load before today, but NEVER AGAIN.
    Favorite event so far:
    Assassinating Emperor Titus Mede II

    Favorite character and why: Cicero, there's just something about a schizophrenic jester who likes to murder people that you've gotta love.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I have 100 in every magic school, I have yet to cast a spell in this game. **** yeah Oghma Infinium.
    Comments: This game has stolen my soul.
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  3. #93

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: LoZ Skyward Sword, Battlefield 3, Halo Reach, FFXIII
    Platform:Wii, Xbox 360, Xbox 360, PS3
    Current play through: First, NA, NA, Technically Second
    Current game completion (if known): 20%, NA, NA, 60%
    Current party (if applicable):NA, Tony (Friend), Steven & Kyle (Friends), NA
    Current level(s) (if applicable):NA
    Current location:
    Current in game clock time:NA, just over 2 hours, NA, Edit in later
    How have you been using your in game time?:No
    Current objective:Find Zelda as usual, kill, kill, Find my way to Fang & Vannielles home.
    Next objective:Unknown
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at:Really fun zelda, definitely top 4, Can't wait for new maps, Loving the new maps, pretty cheesy cut scene with Hope.
    Total game overs?: 1 (afaik), NA, NA, 3 (afaik)
    Favorite event so far: None, NA, NA, NA
    Favorite character and why:Zelda - She has so much more personality in this game than the others, her and Link are so much closer. NA, NA, Lightning - I don't know, I'm just drawn to her.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect):NA, 392 marksman bonus, Just got a killtrocity the other day and played a pro and did fairly well (kampy), NA
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent):NA, 9, 9.5, 8.5
    Comments: I just put NA if i didn't feel like answering or none.

  4. #94
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Ssk0rne's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: The Elder Scrolls V: SKyrim
    Platform: Xbox 360
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): Finished the second part of the main quest, mainly just doing quests in Whiterun/for the Companions
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 7
    Current location: Trying to make money in Whiterun to buy a house.
    Current in game clock time: Not sure
    How have you been using your in game time?: Doing side quests and getting distracted. Decided not to fast-travel so on my way to/back from quests I'd find myself wandering off.
    Current objective: Questing and exploring
    Next objective: ^^^
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Love this game and plan to play it as much as Fallout 3. Stoked for the DLC and can't wait to explore the rest of the map since I've only been in a corner of it.
    Total game overs?: Definitely less than 10, damn them giants....
    Favorite event so far: Sniping people with my bow and arrow, just so satisfying. And definitely the first dragon fight.

  5. #95
    "my destiny evades me" Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] magewarrior's Avatar
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    Current game: Legend of Zelda the Minish Cap

    Platform: GBA

    Current play through: First

    Current location: Hyrule Town

    Current in game clock time: Not sure

    How have you been using your in game time?: Completing the first dungeon.

    Current objective: Exploring the town of Hyrule

    Next objective: Not Sure

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: one of the best Zelda experiences by far, love it

    Favorite Event so Far: Shrinking to the size of a mini and exploring Minish village.

  6. #96

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy II
    Platform: Cellphone
    Current play through: first time
    Current party :
    Firion HP 955 MP 153
    Maria HP 535 MP 98
    Guy HP 1226 MP 133
    Current location: Bafsk
    Current in game clock time: 10:23
    How have you been using your in game time?: Leveling my characters
    Current objective: Kashuan Keep
    Next objective: Not sure
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: I enjoy all Final fantasy games
    Total game overs?: stopped counting low level characters facing way too high leveled monsters
    Favorite event so far: Accidentally finding Mysticia
    Favorite character and why: Guy seems to gain magic and health quickest
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect):
    Firion: Ogrekiller + Mythril Sword = Attack 87
    Maria: Ice Bow = Attack 59
    Guy: Ogrekiller + Mythril Axe = Attack 90
    Comments: A little confusing as to where to go next

  7. #97
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Mass Effect
    Platform: Xbox 360
    Current play through: Second
    Current game completion (if known): N/A
    Current party (if applicable): Shep, Kaidan, Ashley
    Current level(s) (if applicable): All level 4
    Current location: Citadel
    Current in game clock time: 1hr 1min
    How have you been using your in game time?: At the moment, just story based objectives
    Current objective: Meet with the council
    Next objective: Sight see around the Citadel for a while
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Mass Effect is my new favourite game series. Also I love that my Shep is a total bitch! (I am playing Renegade on this playthrough).
    Total game overs?: 0
    Favorite event so far: So far would be obviously seeing Saren for the first time (not much happens at the start of ME). Ever would be the whole ending sequence.
    Favorite character and why: Garrus, because of his reactions to everything, and how helpful he is in combat.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I have done too many awesome things in ME
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 5. Mass Effect, as I have mentioned, is my new favourite game series. All the games are absolute masterpieces. ME is not as good as ME2 in my opinion, but comes seriously close.
    Last edited by ZantetsukeN; 04-02-2012 at 11:08 AM.

  8. #98
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy VII
    Platform: PS1/PSP/PS3
    Current play through: 2nd
    Current game completion (if known): Finished Wutai sidequest
    Current party (if applicable): Cloud, Tifa, Yuffie
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 54, 53, 49
    Current location: Wutai area (Disc 1)
    Current in game clock time: 34:ish
    How have you been using your in game time?: Mastering materia (and grinding)
    Current objective: Go to the Ancient Temple
    Next objective: Forgotten Forest
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Its a fun FF title (what FF main series game isn't?)
    Total game overs?: 2
    Favorite event so far: The planet discussion in Cosmo Canyon
    Favorite character and why: Red XIII because I like beast characters.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Mastered the following: Choco/Mog, Fire, Thunder, Poison, Destruct, Barrier, All, Earth, Restore, Revive, Heal, Seal, and maybe Transform (not quite sure about that one)
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4 for gameplay, story is good but flawed in my opinion and has plot holes.
    Comments: EDIT: Should I train my other characters I haven't yet like Cait Sith, Aerith, Cid, Vincent, and Barret (he has decent training but could use more I think)?
    Last edited by SuperSabin; 04-03-2012 at 07:41 PM.
    Currently Playing:

  9. #99
    The Mad God Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Star ocean; The Last Hope
    Platform: 360
    Current play through: 2nd
    Current game completion (if known): little past 100%, in the fancypants tri ace bonus end game content fun.
    Current party (if applicable): Edge, Myuria, Reimi, Arumat
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 163 162 162 163
    Current location: Wandering dungeon, floor 13.
    Current in game clock time: 47 hrs
    How have you been using your in game time?: Farming for a goddamn Philosopher's stone so I can start making decent gear to stop getting assclowned by these WD bosses.
    Current objective: Find a ****ing Philosopher's stone.
    Next objective: Make some fancy shit, go ruin Ethereal Queen's day.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: DROP A GOD DAMN STONE ALREADY.
    Total game overs?: 0, though I usually reset before an official game over. I've done that 3 times.
    Favorite event so far: Finding Arumat's ultimate technique. Everybody loves Dragon Roar spam.
    Favorite character and why: Arumat. Badass, epic move for spamming 90% of enemies to death.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Edge and Arumat at max attack with shitty weapons. I love attack + factors on gear.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 5, same rating I give almost anything Square/Triace
    For Our Lord Sheogorath, without Whom all Thought would be linear and all Feeling would be fleeting. Blessed are the Madmen, for they hold the keys to secret knowledge. Blessed are the Phobic, always wary of that which would do them harm. Blessed are the Obsessed, for their courses are clear. Blessed are the Addicts, may they quench the thirst that never ebbs. Blessed are the Murderous, for they have found beauty in the grotesque. Blessed are the Firelovers, for their hearts are always warm. Blessed are the Artists, for in their hands the impossible is made real. Blessed are the Musicians, for in their ears they hear the music of the soul. Blessed are the Sleepless, as they bask in wakeful dreaming. Blessed are the Paranoid, ever-watchful for our enemies. Blessed are the Visionaries, for their eyes see what might be. Blessed are the Painlovers, for in their suffering, we grow stronger. Blessed is the Madgod, who tricks us when we are foolish, punishes us when we are wrong, tortures us when we are unmindful, and loves us in our imperfection.

  10. #100
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Xenoblade Chronicles
    Platform: Wii
    Current play through: 1st
    Current game completion (if known): N/A
    Current party (if applicable): Sulk, Ruyn
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 14, 14
    Current location: Tephra Cave
    Current in game clock time: 16 hours
    How have you been using your in game time?: Exploring, fighting, doing some side quests
    Current objective: Head to Colony 6
    Next objective: Continue the quest to go after the faced mechon
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Wheres that hunt mark?
    Total game overs?: 3-4
    Favorite event so far: Protecting colony 9 from the Mechonis
    Favorite character and why: Shulk, I really have a thing for main characters and his personality is pretty cool and easy to put up with.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I wouldn't even know where to start with this.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent):
    Comments: This game is really good! Has a lot of things you would look for in an rpg, let me check off what this game offers: Massive world to explore - check, Sidequests - check, Unique battle system - check, Great storyline - check, Memorable soundtrack - check, Character abilities - check, Optional areas (probably already covered in side-quests but w/e) - check, Character Development - check, good voice overs - check (I sure didn't have a problem with it), Replayability - check. Take note you're getting all of this on a non-HD system, that's pretty ironic if you look at it.
    Currently Playing:

  11. #101
    Chief Inspiring Officer Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Yu-Gi-Oh: Capsule Monster Coliseum
    Platform: PS-2
    Current play through: 1st
    Current game completion (if known): N/A
    Current party (if applicable): N/A
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Well, my wind crystal is maxed out.
    Current location: Shrine of Chaos.
    Current in game clock time: 74:54:39
    How have you been using your in game time?: there's really nothing you can do but fight the main enemies. That, and buy monsters. I really wish they would've made training areas.
    Current objective: Trying to defeat Shadi for the second time.
    Next objective: Defeat whoever's next.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Oh, man, a new path? Will it never end?
    Total game overs?: I've surrendered quite a few times, so... ten?
    Favorite event so far: That little Weevil kid incident.
    Favorite character and why: That Weevil kid.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I upgraded a Larva Moth. Big mistake.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 3 stars.
    Comments: It's a real brain-bender, but I wish it had more custom stuffs, like being able to switch crystal elements half-way through the game...? Or something.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  12. #102
    Queen Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Final Fantasy VII
    Platform: PSP
    Current play through: 9847345634870534875
    Current game completion (if known): 9847345634870534874
    Current party (if applicable): Cloud, Red XIII, Cait Sith (Cant take him outta my party yet)
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 40, 36, 35
    Current location: Corel Prison
    How have you been using your in game time?: Levelling up
    Current objective: Find Barret, Talk to prisoners
    Next objective: Get Cait Sith the hell outta my party!
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Aerith is soo annoying...Where art thou Sephiroth???
    Total game overs?: 0 bitch
    Favorite event so far: The very first appearance of Sephiroth through Jenova back at Shinra HQ
    Favorite character and why: CLOUD!! Too great a protagonist for words
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 10
    Comments: FFVII: BEST GAME EVERRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. #103

    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: TERA beta
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: Second, first character was wiped
    Current game completion (if known): NA
    Current party (if applicable): Gavin (friend)
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 13
    Current location: Lumber Town
    Current in game clock time: Unknown
    How have you been using your in game time?:
    Current objective: Turn in multiple quests
    Next objective: Unknown
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Really disappointed that there isn't a PvP battleground or something of the sort at lower levels. I guess the ton of WPvP makes up for it. Really love the action part implemented into the game. I just spent a lot of time grinding a hunter to 85 on WoW and it was a drag. This game makes grinding a lot more tolerable, sometimes even fun.
    Total game overs?: I've died once from a high level ganking lowbies
    Favorite event so far: Getting off Noob Island
    Favorite character and why: Nakayami (my char), why? because I haven't payed attention to the lore at all so far .
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Won a duel ha.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4.5
    Comments: 4.5, really hoping this game turns out more than I'm expecting. The game seems like end game content is going to be a huge let down. Hopefully I' wrong.

  14. #104
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Detective Blader
    Platform: Famicom (translated english)
    Current play through: 1st
    Current game completion (if known): unknown
    Current party (if applicable): Detective Blader Pete
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 17
    Current location: Ochamomizu (I had to load the game to be able to remember and spell that at all)
    Current in game clock time: Not available
    How have you been using your in game time?: Progressing the story
    Current objective: Investigate an incident at Elisa Academy
    Next objective: unknown
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Its really addicting to play; the storyline is enjoyable and the battles are fun. The music is catchy, however it gets annoying pretty quickly afterwards, its just an endless loop of a certain song and the game does have different songs but they loop and they're repetitive. The difficulty can be easy at some points and really hard at other points. Other than that i'm really enjoying the game. The random battles could use some toning down, its set to a high encounter rate for some reason.
    Currently Playing:

  15. #105
    Consistently Average Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current Game: Tekken 5
    Genre: 3D Beat 'em up
    Platform: PS2
    Current Playthough: 1st, kinda. See below for details
    Current Game Completion: All 30(ish) characters have been unlocked, and have completed story mode with each one of them at least once (well over 20 times for some). Completed Devil Within on easy mode.
    Current Party (if applicable): I'm playing as Steve Fox at the moment, if that counts.
    Party Levels (if applicable): It's not.
    Current Location: The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5 (spoken in announcer's voice).
    Current in game clock time: Doesn't have a clock but I figure a very, very, very long time.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Beating the shit out of people and assorted animals. Aslo trying to get everyone's rank up to at least 2nd Dan in Arcade Mode.
    Current objective: See above.
    Next objective: See above above. Plus I might give Devil Within another go on hard mode to unlock the more expensive accessories for each character.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Jinpachi Mishima is still a bitch of a final boss, provided you're unexperienced with a fighter.
    Total game overs?: Too many to even beging counting.
    Favorite event so far: Paul Pheonix's ending movie is quite funny...

    Favorite character and why: I have two. 1st is Paul Pheonix. Strong moves that are quite easy to pull off, a three hit combo that almost KO's any enemy provided the odds are in your favour, and he makes me laugh. He's become kind of a joke character as games go by but he's still my favourite.
    2nd is Bryan Fury. He's just evil. Murders those who saved him from dying and has a winning movie where he smashes the face of his defeated foe with his bare hands while grinning. You hear bones break. It's kinda gross. And yet he's one of my favourite guys to be. Quick brutal combos, single punches and kicks that knock anyone down and a range of launchers and juggles that means you can repeatedly hit your opponent and they may never get a chance to stand up, I've done that a few times my self. Plus he has the best evil laugh in the game.

    Random stat you want to include: Got Paul Pheonix up to Tekken Lord (the highest rank in arcade mode) in around a week.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game: I'd say 4.5. It's the kind of game that you can just pick up and play for a few minutes or for a few hours and still get the same amount of enjoyment.

    Comments: I really love this game, along with all other Tekken titles. I've had the same file since I bought the game five years ago and it never gets old.
    Currently Playing:
    Pillars of Eternity (PC)

    I play Magic! See what decks im playing or building here!

  16. #106
    Chief Inspiring Officer Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current Game: Kingdom Hearts
    Genre: RPG
    Platform: PS2
    Current Playthough: 1st (I'm never playing this game again )
    Current Party (if applicable): Well, there's Sora, Donald, and, oh, right, theeeere's Goofy!
    Party Levels (if applicable): Sora's at level 72
    Current Location: I'm either at the Coliseum or Neverland.
    Current in game clock time: 59:42 (Yeah, that's hours, folks)
    How have you been using your in game time?: I've been training my butt off.
    Current objective: I'm gonna beat Sephiroth, dudes! But I might defeat that Wraith creature in Neverland first...
    Next objective: I guess I'll win the game so I can finally start playing the sequel I've heard so much about.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: I really can't stand it.
    Total game overs?: Game overs don't really affect people in this game, since upon being killed, you can hit the continue button, which will bring you to where you were immediately before you entered the battle. The annoying thing is that you have to relive the cut scenes, too. I've probably seen that Ursula one eight times.
    Favorite event so far:
    When Sora turn into a heartless

    Favorite character and why: Eeyore from the Winnie the Pooh world. Well, because I've always liked him.
    Random stat you want to include: I have a LOT of MP and HP.
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game: Luckily, I'm soon to do so.
    Comments: This game is a completely unnecessary, lackluster rehash of memorable Disney moments wrapped in a serious children's story. What I'm wondering is: What kid, sappy smile and smeared chocolate on face, is old enough to punch buttons with such good reflexes and reason with the finest tactician, but is still brain-dead enough to laugh at Peter Pan's antics (I don't get that franchise, btw, for instance, why is it funny when Peter pokes his however short sword into Captain Hook's exposed rump, and why is he making fun of Hook's perfectly valid fear of crocodiles? No wonder the old pirate wants to do away with that brat) Mindless, I say! Mindless
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  17. #107
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Max Payne 3
    Platform: Xbox 360
    Current play through: 1st
    Current game completion (if known): No idea
    Current party (if applicable): N/A
    Current level(s) (if applicable): N/A
    Current location: Not sure, but sort of now watching the intro vid to Chapter 4
    Current in game clock time: No idea, I started playing it about 3 hours ago. So, 3 hours?
    How have you been using your in game time?: Doing the main story.
    Current objective: Whatever chapter 4 brings
    Next objective: Whatever chapter 5 brings
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Fun game, but man I have died A LOT.
    Total game overs?: A LOT
    Favorite event so far: The nightclub (chapter 2)
    Favorite character and why: Max Payne. He is THE badass
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I have died A LOT
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4 at the moment. It is a fun game, the bullet time it great, but be prepared to die A LOT. It's quite frustrating because the checkpoints are very spaced out and you have to repeat parts over and over.
    Comments: Did I mention that I have died A LOT.

  18. #108
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Valkyria Chronicles 2
    Platform: Sony PSP
    Current play through: 1st
    Current party (if applicable): Parties on this game are huge, so I'll list the characters I use most.
    Lancers: Jann, Maximilian, Rene
    Shocktroopers: Zeri(original), Lynn, Erick
    Scouts: Marina, Avan, Nichole, Helmut
    Armor Techs: Zeri(alt), Isara, Morris, Jamill
    Engineers: Homer, Randy, Raymond, Ali (alt)
    Current level(s) (if applicable): I try to keep my classes leveled evenly so they're all in a range from 12-14 right now.
    Current location: Month June (I think that's about half way through)
    Current in game clock time: About 28 hours even.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Just completing every mission I get. I unlocked some bonus missions through a code I found online and am waiting to do them, but they're currently a higher rank than what I can do.
    Current objective: Story mission, defeat Audry and her boss tank...
    Next objective: Hopefully starting to get tier 3 classes soon, so I hope to get some Anti-Tank Snipers and Elite Gunners!
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: "Jesus that Tank is too powerfull! I like the story behind this game alot, the anime is pretty cool too."
    Total game overs?: Probably about 6, most of them happening on the same fight with General Baldren.
    Favorite event so far: Pretty much any time I play as Homer. He's my favorite character and I just like watching him fight.
    Favorite character and why: Homer Peron. He looks like this little wimpy kid and has this kinda light angelic presence about him. He's a masochist and gets stronger the more he gets shot up. (I find him hilarious.) Jann Walker is a close second. (Just cause I like his accent. )
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): My Tank can one shot an AT Bunker. (I like that alot. :3)
    Comments: I like the gameplay alot. The style I think is pretty unique to the game. I also think the characters are all very likeable, each with their own interesting backstory. I'm hooked!

  19. #109
    Professional Klutz. Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Minecraft 360

    Platform: XBOX 360

    Current play through: N/A, 2nd seed.

    Current game completion (if known): N/A

    Current party (if applicable):
    Me and my 4 wolves.

    Current level(s) (if applicable): N/A

    Current location: My town.

    Current in game clock time: STOP!... Creeper time.

    How have you been using your in game time?: I built a town. It took a redonkulous amount of time. Aside from that I've been looking for gold. I stumbled upon an f-load of diamonds fairly quickly. Gold and a cactus... Can't find any.

    Current objective: Gold.

    Next objective: Build a new minecart line. Get the damned achievement. Also ongoing hunt for a dungeon.

    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's great. I really can't wait for the patches, though. I think that I need more to do and fast. Last I looked I was at 3000 for my rank. Spent way too much time on it.

    Total game overs?: N/A

    Favorite event so far: A creeper stuck just outside my guest house looking at us. Myself and a few others trapped inside. Freaked myself and about 3 friends out. It didn't move, it just looked at us. Then I realised the back door was open...

    Favorite character and why: Steve... He's the only one right now.

    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect):
    I have like 200 diamond.

    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars): 4 stars, maybe more with more content.

    Comments: Had a lot of fun playing but atm it's only fun with other really. Could do with a worldwide server rather than friend drop in- drop out. Also needs a patch for online play. Too many random bugs and waaaay too much lagging.

    Cogito, ergo sum.
    PRK9, putting the Kitty back in Por Rorr.
    Most likely to have supernatural babies- TFF Bogus Awards 2009- Winner

  20. #110
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
    Platform: Playstation 3
    Current play through: 1
    Current game completion (if known): No idea, still around the beginning.
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 6
    Current location: Variable.
    Current in game clock time: 6 or so hours, maybe? Haven't looked.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Sidequests, mostly.
    Current objective: Between objectives, as I just finished a quest.
    Next objective: Haven't decided yet, probably finish up the last couple around Gorhart.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Pretty fun. Wish it was a little more immersive though.
    Total game overs?: 1, I think.
    Favorite event so far: I kind of liked the chain of events with Illuvia and Herc Adwold.
    Favorite character and why: Don't really have one.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): Playing as a pure rogue for the moment.
    Comments: The world was built in part by R. A. Salvatore, with creatures designed by Seth McFarlane. I expected a lot more to it. Not to say that the game isn't fun, but after playing Dragon Age this game falls more than a little flat in the characterization department. It's the one thing I've always disliked about the build your own character games and, IMO, something Bioware did very, very right. At least the combat is pretty decent; I like Faeblades.
    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  21. #111
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Luminous Arc.
    Platform: Nintendo DS.
    Current play through: First.
    Current game completion (if known): Chapter Eight. I'm assuming that's around the 30% mark.
    Current level(s) (if applicable): Alph: Lvl 16, Theo: Lvl 13, Leon: Lvl 14, Saki: Lvl 15, Cecille: Lvl 13, Nikolai: Lvl 14.
    Current location: Port Town Adwest.
    Current in game clock time: 4h, 23mins.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Mostly grinding. I screwed up once in the beginning of the game, and Heath was my highest level character by like five levels lol. When he left the party, I realised I needed to grind for a little bit. xD; I've also been reading some of the books in the library.
    Current objective: Heading on over to Mining Village Gemarr.
    Next objective: Same as always. Go after Vanessa, the bad witch, and find Lapisitier.
    Total game overs?: None so far, but one close call.
    Favorite event so far: Can't say I've had a favourite event. It's all been enjoyable.
    Favorite character and why: Leon and Lucia. Leon is such a wannabe ladies man, and his conversations with Cecille make me laugh. And I like Lucia because... well, spoilers. But if you play, you'll know. She's good. I think...
    Comments: I usually have a hard time getting into strat and tact games, but I've really loved this one. My partner bought me the second game at MCM Expo from the Red Star exhibit, and I loved it from that one, so I bought the first. It's easy to get into, I think. Most of these games have tiresome tutorials and cutscenes, but this one is just fun.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  22. #112
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]

    Current game: Assassins Creed II
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): I'll take a guess here and say I'm almost half way through
    Current location: Monteriggioni
    How have you been using your in game time?: aside the main story I'm doing all sorts of sidequests, collecting feathers, deciphering glyphs, executing assassin contracts...
    Current objective: kill me some traitors of Firenze
    Next objective: kill some more, I guess
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: this game came as a pleasant surprise, and at just a right time
    Total game overs?: quite a few deaths so far, I usually miss the platform I'm supposed to jump on
    Favorite event so far: when uncle Mario says "It's a me, Mario"
    Favorite character and why: Ezio and and Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo has good sense of humor
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): so far I collected 26/100 feathers, won in several races and beat ups, executed nine assassinations, managed to deliver three letters, and found 135/330 treasures...
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): it's a 5/5 game so far
    Comments: it's easily one of the best games I played in quite some time, it's easy to get distracted from the main story due to huge amount of additional content this game offers, love the combat and jumping on the roofs, tons of diverse and aesthetically pleasing way to assassinate someone.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  23. #113
    Queen Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Crescent's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    Current game: Batman: Arkham City
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: 2nd
    Current location: Outside GCPD Building
    How have you been using your in game time?: Beating up random levelling up
    Current objective: Finding Mr Freeze.
    Next objective: I'd like to complete more side missions once I'm out.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Such an awesome game Thankgod they made a videogame so right for my favourite and THE BEST comic book 'Superhero'.
    Total game overs?: 3, CBF picking off prisoners armed with guns one by one, I was in one of those moods..
    Favorite event so far: When the Joker kicked Batman out the window while he was tied to the chair yelling "I'll be in touch!!" LOL.. I find the Joker and Harley so very loveable. I hold a special place for them as I grew up watching/ absolutely loving Batman: The Animated Series. I watch a couple of episodes every night.
    Favorite character and why: Batman. With so many shitstirrers in Gotham, he manages to stay so level headed. His staunch commitment to justice and unwillingness to kill is both annoying and sexy.. And he does it all without any lameass superhuman powers..
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 5.
    Comments: While Ive been playing, my excitement for the next Rocksteady Batman instalment had been increasing that is until I found out that a major creative force and all-round awesome mind, Paul Dini will not be returning for the third instalment..Dini is responsible for not only orchestrating the first two games, but also MY beloved Batman: The Animated Series cartoon. Those Fkers.

  24. #114
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]
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    Jul 2009
    Current game: Super Paper Mario
    Platform: Nintendo Wii
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): Uh, I'm sure at least 80% of the main story... Add in the side questy stuff though, and I think it'd be more like 40%?
    Current party (if applicable): Mario, Peach, Bowser and a butt-load of Pixl pals to help out.
    Current level(s) (if applicable): I forget. Level 6 maybe? Levels are shared between characters.
    Current location: Flipside
    Current in game clock time: ~14 hours
    How have you been using your in game time?: Main story mostly. Gonna go back later and find hidden stuff when I'm finished with the story.
    Current objective: Going into the new world to find a Pure Heart
    Next objective: Finding the Pure Heart, I guess
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: It's fun and funny. I am pleasantly surprised how enjoyable it is.
    Total game overs?: 0
    Favorite event so far: The Nerd Chameleon level. All of it. Kitty robot security guards and so much goofiness packed into one awesome world.
    Favorite character and why: Peach. She flies (okay, floats...whatever) and is adorabru. She's also got a little more 'tude than usual. Probably helps that she's not spending the whole game being kidnapped.
    Comments: I wish I could hold more items than what is allowed. Other than that, fun and pretty unique game. Definitely recommend for anyone who likes a little quirkiness in their games.
    Click at your own risk.:
    Proud Member of:
    Por Rorr Kitty9
    "Mess with us, and the claws come out!"
    Evil BAD Guys
    "Not just evil...not just bad...EVIL BAD!"
    The above userbar was made for me by FATE!!! He is awesome.
    The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.

  25. #115
    Current game: Vita Umbra: Life of Shadows.
    Platform: PC/Mac.
    Current play through: 1st!
    Current game completion: Currently in demo, so no idea haha
    Current party: Me and Quinntastic.
    Current level: 10?
    Current location: Forest of Shadows.
    Current in game clock time: Well past my bedtime.
    How have you been using your in game time?: Recording let's plays and having a right jolly time.
    Current objective: Slam through the demo
    Next objective: Do it again on a harder difficulty!
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Thoroughly enjoying it!
    Total game overs?: 0! Going strong!
    Favorite event so far: Gettin' me a pickaxe.
    Favorite character and why: Quinn. He's a ghost. Nuff' said.
    Random stat you want to include: I currently have used 1 potion.

    Comments: I'm loving this game. It's got an awesome nostalgic throw back to the early FFs and other classic RPGs elements. Certainly worth a playthrough, jump over to Vita Umbra #2: Forest of Shadow shenanigans! - YouTube to have a look at some gameplay. Link to the game's page is in the description!

  26. #116
    Chief Inspiring Officer Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Cyanist's Avatar
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    Kingdom Hearts: 2
    Platform: PS2
    Current play through: 1rst time.
    Current game completion (if known): I'm at beast's castle and I've finished Mulan's world.
    Current party (if applicable): Sora, Donald and Goofy.
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 13 (I think)
    Current location: Beast's bloody castle.
    Current in game clock time: I don't care.
    How have you been using your in game time?: I certainly haven't been training up my characters. Just using my drive when things get difficult.
    Current objective: Finding out why Beast locked his servants in the dungeon, I guess.
    Next objective: I guess I'll progress to the next world.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: I think it's better than the first, but I did like KH: RE's card battle system better. I think they've done away with the more childish Disney worlds this time around, so I'd say it's okay-ish.
    Total game overs?: 3 (the mulan world's morale meter had me thrown and those big half bull-half horse like things can be nasty).
    Favorite event so far: When Belle hugs Donald.
    Favorite character and why: Those nobodies have some good fashion sense.
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I've chosen the wand thingy for my weapon, so I'm hoping I'll have more MP than HP.
    Comments: My brother says there's a cool cut-scene somewhere in the future. If it disappoints, so help me I'll crack this disk!
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

    The votes are in for the sketch contest. See who won the epic battle here:

  27. #117
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Xanatos's Avatar
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    Current game: Resident Evil: Code Veronica X
    Platform: PS2
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): 60-70%, if I had to guess
    Current location: Safe room in Antarctica
    How have you been using your in game time?: I would say shooting zombies and pushing forward, though right now it's more avoiding zombies as I have to save as much ammo as I can
    Current objective: Explore the facility we crashed in
    Next objective: look for that crossdressing bastard, I guess
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: The most challenging Resident Evil I played so far, either that or I got rusty
    Total game overs?: I'm holding up pretty good considering how scarce the bullets are, second battle against Tyrant was brutal though
    Favorite event so far: Can't say I have one
    Favorite character and why: Same as above, not really what you would call a memorable characters
    Comments: This is exactly what I've been missing on while playing newer games in the series, Resident Evil 4 & 5 respectively. Code Veronica X is brutal, it scared bejesus out of me, the game punishes you for every wasted bullet... man, how I missed this tense and creepy atmosphere. Code Veronica X is not without it's flaws, the voice acting is terrible to say the least, and the story may have been more engaging.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  28. #118
    Registered User Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive]
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    Jul 2009
    Current game: Fallout 3
    Platform: PS3
    Current play through: First....sort of. I played the beginning before, but started another game file.
    Current game completion: Uh... Maybe like...10 percent completed? I have barely done anything story-wise.
    Current party: Just my Lone Wanderer, Julie.
    Current level: Level 8, just a little under getting to level 9.
    Current location: Wandering the Capital Wastelands.
    Current in game clock time: Heh... Nearly 20 hours, I believe.
    How have you been using your in game time?: MUST. EXPLORE. EVERYTHING.
    Current objective: Getting to the Radio Station.
    Next objective: If I continue the story, probably to find more clues as to where my Dad is located. Probably gonna **** around on the wastelands some more though.
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Pretty amazing. Why didn't I pick it up sooner so I could talk with people about my experiences?
    Total game overs?: A lot... Mirelurks don't mess around...nor does pretty much anything else for that matter. Damn contracted killers like to ambush me when I am running low on supplies...
    Favorite event so far: Saving Bigtown from the Super Mutants by beating those big lugs to death with a fire blade thing (woo Shiskabab!)
    Favorite character and why: Maybe Gob? He seems adorable.
    Random stat you want to include: Why can't I hold all this stuff?!??!? Oh yeah, because I nerf'd my strength attribute so's I can has more charisma and intelligences. DERP!
    Comments: I want to explore all the things, but big piles of debris keep getting in my way. If my dad had trained me to be Batman, this wouldn't have been a problem. THANKS DAD!
    Click at your own risk.:
    Proud Member of:
    Por Rorr Kitty9
    "Mess with us, and the claws come out!"
    Evil BAD Guys
    "Not just evil...not just bad...EVIL BAD!"
    The above userbar was made for me by FATE!!! He is awesome.
    The above banner was made for me by VIVIMASTERMAGE!!! He is awesome as well.

  29. #119
    Certified tech, come at me! Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Current game: Chronicle of the Radia War
    Platform: Famicom (translated english)
    Current play through:1st
    Current game completion (if known): Close to the end of the game
    Current party (if applicable)ete, Daru, Baru, Hama, Mara
    Current level(s) (if applicable): 18-19ish?
    Current location:Radia Tower
    Current in game clock time:n/a
    How have you been using your in game time?: Progressing through the story
    Current objective: Stop Nova and Gadiss from activating Radia Tower
    Next objective: Go after Gadiss
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: Great game for a Famicom title, ahead of its time, battles get tedious and annoying at times, great music
    Total game overs?: Some here and there probably around 4-5
    Favorite event so far: Duping the enemy in the Fire Cavern (sucker )
    Favorite character and why: The protagonist, because hes cool and I got to name him after me (though I don't like the fact I'm portraying an amnesiac).
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): techs maxed out
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4 not the best game in the world but it is a great NES/Famicom era rpg, I'd give it a try. One of Tecmo's very few rpgs.
    Comments: Gah, I can't believe I let myself die at the boss fight on top of Radia Tower. Now I have to go ALL THE WAY back up the tower, re-collecting all the equipment I obtained on the way, and getting into several random battles during my :/
    Currently Playing:

  30. #120
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Currently Playing v2.0 [Descriptive] Xanatos's Avatar
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    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Current game: Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning
    Platform: PC
    Current play through: First
    Current game completion (if known): the end is near as far as main story goes, I have a lot more to explore though
    Current level(s) (if applicable): lvl 32, Dokkalfar Warrior
    Current location: Rathir
    Current in game clock time: over 40 hours
    How have you been using your in game time?: collecting and selling loot, solving sidequests, exploring... the usual stuff really
    Current objective: I have to stop Besin from summoning Niskaru lord
    Next objective: convince Elund Carth to send his army to Mel Senshir
    Thought of the game at the point you are currently at: combat's great, sidequests are fun, exploring and looting feels satisfying, and the main story is bit intriguing
    Total game overs?: none, although to be fair I choose lower difficulty
    Favorite event so far: the entire process of becoming House of Ballads king
    Favorite character and why: Alyn Shir, she's freaking hot for bunch of pixels/polygons
    Random stat you want to include (wins, looses, party stats, ect ect): I completed 126 quests so far, not including those you can repeat
    Rate the game if you have beaten or completed the game (1-5 stars; 1 being poor while 5 represents excellent): 4.5/5
    Comments: shame though Big Huge Games is no more, I for one would love to see a sequel to Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning. The game itself appears as a combination of Fable and Dragon Age Origins, and does a lot of things better than it's main rival Skyrim, combat, looting, and character dialogue in particular. Needless to say I was hooked right from the start.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

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